Photoelectric effect

The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in physics. The effect is based on the idea that electromagnetic radiation is made of a series of particles called photons. When a photon hits an electron on a metal surface, the electron can be emitted. The emitted electrons are called photoelectrons. The effect is also called the Hertz Effect, because it was discovered by Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, but this name is not used often.

Photoelectric effect, phenomenon in which electrically charged particles are released from or within a material when it absorbs electromagnetic radiation. The effect is often defined as the ejection of electrons from a metal plate when light falls on it. In a broader definition, the radiant energy may be infrared, visible, or ultraviolet light, X rays, or gamma rays; the material may be a solid, liquid, or gas; and the released particles may be ions (electrically charged atoms or molecules) as well as electrons. The phenomenon was fundamentally significant in the development of modern physics because of the puzzling questions it raised about the nature of light—particle versus wavelike behaviour—that were finally resolved by Albert Einstein in 1905. 

The photoelectric effect has helped physicists understand the quantum nature of light and electrons. The concept of wave–particle duality was developed because of the photoelectric effect. Albert Einstein proposed the Laws of Photoelectric Effect and Won the Nobel Prize For Physics , 1921.


Consideration of these unexpected behaviours led Albert Einstein to formulate in 1905 a new corpuscular theory of light in which each particle of light, or photon, contains a fixed amount of energy, or quantum, that depends on the light’s frequency. In particular, a photon carries an energy E equal to hf, where f is the frequency of the light and h is the universal constant that the German physicist Max Planck derived in 1900 to explain the wavelength distribution of blackbody radiation—that is, the electromagnetic radiation emitted from a hot body. The relationship may also be written in the equivalent form E = hc/λ, where c is the speed of light and λ is its wavelength, showing that the energy of a photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength.
Einstein assumed that a photon would penetrate the material and transfer its energy to an electron. As the electron moved through the metal at high speed and finally emerged from the material, its kinetic energy would diminish by an amount ϕ called the work function (similar to the electronic work function), which represents the energy required for the electron to escape the metal. By conservation of energy, this reasoning led Einstein to the photoelectric equation Ek = hf − ϕ, where Ek is the maximum kinetic energy of the ejected electron.
Although Einstein’s model described the emission of electrons from an illuminated plate, his photon hypothesis was sufficiently radical that it was not universally accepted until it received further experimental verification. Further corroboration occurred in 1916 when extremely accurate measurements by the American physicist Robert Millikan verified Einstein’s equation and showed with high precision that the value of Einstein’s constant h was the same as Planck’s constant. Einstein was finally awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for explaining the photoelectric effect.
In 1922 the American physicist Arthur Compton measured the change in wavelength of X rays after they interacted with free electrons, and he showed that the change could be calculated by treating X rays as made of photons. Compton received the 1927 Nobel Prize for Physics for this work. In 1931 the British mathematician Ralph Howard Fowler extended the understanding of photoelectric emission by establishing the relationship between photoelectric current and temperature in metals. Further efforts showed that electromagnetic radiation could also emit electrons in insulators, which do not conduct electricity, and in semiconductors, a variety of insulators that conduct electricity only under certain circumstances.


Not every electromagnetic wave will cause the photoelectric effect, only radiation of a certain frequency or higher will cause the effect. The minimum frequency needed is called the "cutoff frequency" or "threshold frequency'. The cutoff frequency is used to find the work function, w, which is the amount of energy holding the electron to the metal surface. The work function is a property of the metal and is not affected by the incoming radiation. If a frequency of light strikes the metal surface that is greater than the cutoff frequency, then the emitted electron will have some kinetic energy. 
The energy of a photon causing the photoelectric effect is found through E = hf = KE + w, where h is Planck's constant, 6.626X10^(-34) J*s, f is the frequency of the electromagnetic wave, KE is the kinetic energy of the photoelectron and w is the work function for the metal. If the photon has a lot of energy, compton scattering(~thousands of eV) or pair production(~millions of eV) may take place. 
The intensity of the light does not cause ejection of electrons, only light of the cut off frequency or higher can do that. However increasing the intensity of light will increase the number of electrons being emitted, as long as the frequency is above the cut off frequency. 

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