
Oxygen (O), nonmetallic chemical element of Group 16 (VIa, or the oxygen group) of the periodic table. Oxygen is a colourless, odourless, tasteless gas essential to living organisms, being taken up by animals, which convert it to carbon dioxide; plants, in turn, utilize carbon dioxide as a source of carbon and return the oxygen to the atmosphere. Oxygen forms compounds by reaction with practically any other element, as well as by reactions that displace elements from their combinations with each other; in many cases, these processes are accompanied by the evolution of heat and light and in such cases are called combustions.

Oxygen is a chemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8. It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table, a highly reactive nonmetal, and an oxidizing agent that readily forms oxides with most elements as well as with other compounds. By mass, oxygen is the third-most abundant element in the universe, after hydrogen and helium. At standard temperature and pressure, two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a colorless and odorless diatomic gas with the formula O^2.

Diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.8% of the Earth's atmosphere. As compounds including oxides, the element makes up almost half of the Earth's crust.


Oxygen was isolated by Michael Sendivogius before 1604, but it is commonly believed that the element was discovered independently by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in Uppsala, in 1773 or earlier, and Joseph Priestley in Wiltshire, in 1774. Priority is often given for Priestley because his work was published first. Priestley, however, called oxygen "dephlogisticated air", and did not recognize it as a chemical element. The name oxygen was coined in 1777 by Antoine Lavoisier, who first recognized oxygen as a chemical element and correctly characterized the role it plays in combustion. 
One of the first known experiments on the relationship between combustion and air was conducted by the 2nd century BCE Greek writer on mechanics, Philo of Byzantium. In his work Pneumatica, Philo observed that inverting a vessel over a burning candle and surrounding the vessel's neck with water resulted in some water rising into the neck. Philo incorrectly surmised that parts of the air in the vessel were converted into the classical element fire and thus were able to escape through pores in the glass. Many centuries later Leonardo da Vinci built on Philo's work by observing that a portion of air is consumed during combustion and respiration.

  In 1775–80, French chemist Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, with remarkable insight, interpreted the role of oxygen in respiration as well as combustion, discarding the phlogiston theory, which had been accepted up to that time; he noted its tendency to form acids by combining with many different substances and accordingly named the element oxygen (oxygene) from the Greek words for “acid former.”


Polish alchemist, philosopher, and physician Michael Sendivogius in his work De Lapide Philosophorum Tractatus duodecim e naturae fonte et manuali experientia  depromti (1604) described a substance contained in air, referring to it as 'cibus vitae'  and this substance is identical with oxygen. Sendivogius, during his experiments performed between 1598 and 1604, properly recognized that the substance is equivalent to the gaseous byproduct released by the thermal decomposition of potassium nitrate. In Bugaj’s view, the isolation of oxygen and the proper association of the substance to that part of air which is required for life, lends sufficient weight to the discovery of oxygen by Sendivogius. This discovery of Sendivogius was however frequently denied by the generations of scientists and chemists which succeeded him. 

It is also commonly claimed that oxygen was first discovered by Swedish pharmacist Carl Wilhelm Scheele. He had produced oxygen gas by heating mercuric oxide and various nitrates in 1771–2. Scheele called the gas "fire air" because it was then the only known agent to support combustion. He wrote an account of this discovery in a manuscript titled Treatise on Air and Fire, which he sent to his publisher in 1775. That document was published in 1777.

In the meantime, on August 1, 1774, an experiment conducted by the British clergyman Joseph Priestley focused sunlight on mercuric oxide (HgO) contained in a glass tube, which liberated a gas he named "dephlogisticated air". He noted that candles burned brighter in the gas and that a mouse was more active and lived longer while breathing it. After breathing the gas himself, Priestley wrote:- "The feeling of it to my lungs was not sensibly different from that of common air, but I fancied that my breast felt peculiarly light and easy for some time afterwards." Priestley published his findings in 1775 in a paper titled "An Account of Further Discoveries in Air," which was included in the second volume of his book titled Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air. Because he published his findings first, Priestley is usually given priority in the discovery. 

The French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier later claimed to have discovered the new substance independently. Priestley visited Lavoisier in October 1774 and told him about his experiment and how he liberated the new gas. Scheele also dispatched a letter to Lavoisier on September 30, 1774, that described his discovery of the previously unknown substance, but Lavoisier never acknowledged receiving it a copy of the letter was found in Scheele's belongings after his death.

Oxygen Facts

    1. Oxygen is rarely found alone in nature. Oxygen bonds to itself to form diatomic O2. Ozone is another pure oxygen molecule with formula O3.
    2. Ozone is vital to absorb harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun in the upper atmosphere. Closer to the ground, however, ozone is considered a pollutant and is hazardous to life.
    3. Oxygen is a colorless, tasteless and odorless gas, but liquid oxygen has a distinct blue color.
    4. Nearly half the Earth’s crust is oxygen by mass.
    5. Oxygen is the most abundant element in the human body accounting for 65% of your weight.
    6. All animals and plants require oxygen to live.
    7. Oxygen readily dissolves in water. This property makes life underwater possible.


    At 46 percent of the mass, oxygen is the most plentiful element in Earth’s crust. The proportion of oxygen by volume in the atmosphere is 21 percent and by weight in seawater is 89 percent. In rocks, it is combined with metals and nonmetals in the form of oxides that are acidic (such as those of sulfur, carbon, aluminum, and phosphorus) or basic (such as those of calcium, magnesium, and iron) and as saltlike compounds that may be regarded as formed from the acidic and basic oxides, as sulfates, carbonates, silicates, aluminates, and phosphates. Plentiful as they are, these solid compounds are not useful as sources of oxygen, because separation of the element from its tight combinations with the metal atoms is too expensive.

    Below −183 °C (−297 °F), oxygen is a pale blue liquid; it becomes solid at about −218 °C (−361 °F). Pure oxygen is 1.1 times heavier than air.

    Natural oxygen is a mixture of three stable isotopes: oxygen-16 (99.759 percent), oxygen-17 (0.037 percent), and oxygen-18 (0.204 percent). Several artificially prepared radioactive isotopes are known. The longest-lived, oxygen-15 (124-second half-life), has been used to study respiration in mammals.

    Preparative methods

    Production methods chosen for oxygen depend upon the quantity of the element desired. Laboratory procedures include the following:

    1. Thermal decomposition of certain salts, such as potassium chlorate or potassium nitrate.
    The decomposition of potassium chlorate is catalyzed by oxides of transition metals; manganese dioxide (pyrolusite, MnO2) is frequently used. The temperature necessary to effect the evolution of oxygen is reduced from 400 °C to 250 °C by the catalyst.

    2. Thermal decomposition of oxides of heavy metals.
    3. Thermal decomposition of metal peroxides or of hydrogen peroxide.

    An early commercial procedure for isolating oxygen from the atmosphere or for manufacture of hydrogen peroxide depended on the formation of barium peroxide from the oxide as shown in the equations.

    4. Electrolysis of water containing small proportions of salts or acids to allow conduction of the electric current.


    Oxygen storage methods include high pressure oxygen tanks, cryogenics and chemical compounds. For reasons of economy, oxygen is often transported in bulk as a liquid in specially insulated tankers, since one liter of liquefied oxygen is equivalent to 840 liters of gaseous oxygen at atmospheric pressure and 20 °C (68 °F).
     Such tankers are used to refill bulk liquid oxygen storage containers, which stand outside hospitals and other institutions that need large volumes of pure oxygen gas. Liquid oxygen is passed through heat exchangers, which convert the cryogenic liquid into gas before it enters the building. Oxygen is also stored and shipped in smaller cylinders containing the compressed gas, a form that is useful in certain portable medical applications and oxy-fuel welding and cutting.

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