10 Simple Tips To Maintain A Slim Body –

Did you know that excess fat in the body could raise the risk of heart diseases, high blood pressure and many other complications? In fact, a study published in the 2008 issue of Lancet also linked excess body weight to 20 different types of cancer, including gall bladder cancer.


Our body is greatly influenced by what we eat. Eating healthy foods provides us with nutrients that keep us full all day, preventing food cravings. Here are some simple diet tips that can help you get a slim and trim body.

1. Water

Drink lots of water every day! Hunger pangs are mostly a sign of dehydration, which people solve by eating. Start drinking water whenever you feel hungry untimely. On empty stomach in the morning drink warm water with one squeezed lemon to hasten the weight loss process. 
Drinking a glass of water before every meal will produce a sensation of being full, reducing the possibility of overeating. Drinking two liters of water daily also helps to ward off the effects of constipation. It flushes out the excess sodium intake in the system, thereby preventing water retention. Water also improves the health of your skin.

2. Dance

Combine your exercise routine with dance, this will speed up the weight loss process. Take a friend to dance along with you if you feel lazy to go to the dance class alone.

3. Replace high fatty meals

Tofu, mushrooms and beans are excellent meat replacement products. Modify your favorite dishes with healthier ingredients. Also, choose whole foods like whole wheat, as the body takes a long time to digest them.

 Avoid consuming fatty meats, instead go for lean meat like chicken and turkey breast. Do not eat meat every day and stay away from using creamy and oily dressings on the salads.

4. Say no to fruit juice

Main nutrition in a fruit is in it’s fiber. Juice is a fruit or vegetable without fiber. After processing they are high in sugar, which can negate your weight loss process. Healthier option will be consuming the whole fruit instead.

5. Detoxification

The toxins, chemicals and compounds present in the foods contribute to the collective fat deposition in the body. Organochlorine compounds specifically can affect the body’s ability to oxidize fat. They resist being metabolized and stored in the fatty tissues. Did you know that these compounds are mainly found in plastics, herbicides and pesticides? 

Go organic and avoid consuming toxins whenever possible. A good cleanse can help reduce bloating, combat constipation and prevent weight gain.

6. Cartwheel

Cartwheel is another excellent exercise to lose weight. It burns calories and strengthens the arms, legs and core muscles. Cartwheel exercise requires skill and expertise, so move to another exercise if you find it difficult to follow. While doing cartwheels, make sure you do an equal number on both right and left sides to maintain the balance.

7. Eat only when you feel hungry

You need to cut down on comfort eating and binging. Also, do not delay eating once you are physically hungry, lest you will end up overeating.

 Eat more during the day and stop eating after 8 p.m. This will also help you in sleeping better and getting healthy.

8. Whole grains

Our body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole foods than processed foods. The fiber in whole grain foods is linked not only to weight loss, but it can also reduce the belly and blood vessel inflammation that promotes the risk of heart diseases.

9. Cucumbers

Cucumber is an excellent low calorie food. 

It contains 95% water, which flushes out the toxins and waste from our system. Being a fiber rich food, cucumber fills you up controlling irregular hunger pangs.

10. Weight training

Weight lifting is one of the most recommended exercises to lose fat. Muscle is the only tissue in the body that burns calories even while resting. Do heavy weight training to build up the arms, legs, torso and hips. For doing weight lifting at home, lift two pots filled with stones. Perform these exercises twice a week. It will increase your growth hormone, leading to faster weight loss. It is some tips and tricks to To Maintain A Slim Body.

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