china plans to launch an 'artificial moon ' to the earth space

The night skies might soon have company: Chinese scientists are planning to launch an artificial moon into orbit by 2020 to 
illuminate city streets after dark
scientists are hoping to hang the man - made moon above the city of Chengdu,

the capitals of china's southwestern Sichuan province, according to a report in Chinese state media The imitation celestial 
body- essentially an illuminated satellite - will bear a reflective coating to cast sunlight back to Earth, where it will supplement
streetlight at night.

Scientist  estimated  that it could be eight times more luminous than the actual, original moon. It will also orbit much closer to earth
; about 500 km means near about 310 miles away comared to the real moon 's 380,000(236,00 miles).

We estimated that new moons could save the city of chengudu around 1.2 billion yuan near about in dollar $175 million dollar 
it  is very big amout and it a a annually cost of electricity of chengdu city , and could even assist first responders during 
 blackouts and natural disasters.

If the projects proves successful, it could be joined by three more additions to the night sky in 2022, he said.


The china,s space goals are not unprecedented. In the 1990s ,Russia experimented with using an orbital mirror to reflect sunlight on 
some of its sun - deprived northern cities, according to the New York Times. Te project was abandoned in 1999 after the mirror
failed to unfold and was incinerated in the atmosphere.

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