The radius of the sun is 696,392 km.
The surface area of the sun is maximum 6.09 × 10ka power 12 kmsq:
 The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System.
Its diameter is about 1.39
million kilometers, i.e. 109 times that of Earth, and its mass is about
330,000 times that of Earth, accounting for about 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System.
About three quarters of the Sun's mass
consists of hydrogen (~73%); the rest is mostly helium (~25%), with
much smaller quantities of heavier elements, including oxygen, carbon,neon, and iron.
 This energy, which can take
between 10,000 and 170,000 years to escape from its core, is the source
of the Sun's light and heat.
The core of the Sun extends from the center to about 20–25% of the solar radius.